Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What is a good appraisal web sight for all sports cards, hockey, baseball, and aome football cards?


Plz help homless and need some money

There is no good appraisal site for baseball, and other sports cards. Here are your choices if you are in a hurry to sell sports cards. First you can visit a local sports card shop, most of the time if the cards are any good, like hot players, and limited cards, they can offer you a lump sum for all the cards, but you have to realize that this route will leave you with the least amount per card, because they are purchasing bulk. If you have plenty of material cards, like jersey, helmet, autograph, and floor piece cards, there are several announcements on Beckett forums of people purchasing these cards, you can check the buy ads and the want ads. But again do not expect much money. Last of all, if you have the means and you state that you are homeless, Ebay is the best resort if you have the time and money to list each card. There is the place where people can compete for the what you sell. Hope this helps, and I hope you recover the part of your life which is lost.

What kind of Forums site is needed on the web?


I am thinking of starting a new website where forums are the main attraction because I enjoy Forums myself and would like to run one. My intrests are sports cards and games, but there seems to be a ton of forums already available for both.

So my question is what kind of forum is needed on the net? What kind of Forum would you like to see available?
Okay, I buy that there needs to be a forums forum on the web. But what else could be included as topics? I can't see very many active users coming back if you're only talking about other forums. Ideas?

Hi C,

I am serious - we need a "forums forum" to discuss forums in general. The goods the bads and the kinds available.


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