Saturday, June 21, 2014

Is a 2006 GTO a Sports Car?


A sports car is techincally a 2 seater RWD car. The GTO is a muscle car, fast in straight lines....and they are by no means slow

What is a sports car which is a 4-seater, the elevation is high and is kinda cheap?


Im thinking of buying a car. My friends has an eclipse and he said its good having a sports car. I have ridden with him and i seemed cooled. I kept hearing that sports cars are dangerous but when I rode in one it dint feel dangerous. I want to buy a second hand. I was thinking of toyota celica but the revies said its not nice. Can some one help me?

1. a sports car is always a 2 seater. if you add extra seats they are called sports coupes or sports sedans if you added extra doors.
2. sports cars are all low slung. the center of gravity is too high to be sporty if they are anything else
3. dangerous? feeling dangerous and being dangerous are not the same thing. the actual danger in a sports car comes from the driver. most people who drive them for image don't know how to handle them and thus wreck them. this is the danger in one.

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